Happy Pie Day – 2014 Home Sales in Greater Nashua


In CELEBRATION of NATIONAL PIE DAY,…some pie charts.

Home sales in Nashua, Hudson, Merrimack, and Hollis New Hampshire by price range.

 Are home values increasing? 2014 versus 2013 homes sales.

Greater Nashua Home Sales by PriceOver half of 2014 home sales were under $250,000. Compared to 2013, we see no change for prices over $400,000, but a 4% increase in sales between $300-400K and a 4% decrease in price points under $300,000.2013homesalesbypricechart

Does this mean home values are increasing?  There are many factors that go into play for determining increases, and this is just one.


Just my thoughts. -Jenn

*Data from Trendgraphix, Inc. Charted 2015

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2014 Empty Bowls Event in Nashua is tonight!


I cannot say enough how outstanding this is!  Number one, it’s the major fundraising event for the Nashua Soup Kitchen (http://www.nsks.org), and number two, the concept is brilliant!

Filling your free hand made bowl with soups prepared by local area restaurants, while listening to the Nashua High School Jazz Band, is just fun!

A row of beautiful hand crafted bowls you get to choose from.

A row of beautiful hand crafted bowls you get to choose from.

Last years: http://jennifercote.info/empty-bowls-event-in-nashua-nh

Just my thoughts. -Jenn Cote- Everything Real Estate

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