Light up your world!
New Hampshire residents get discounts on energy efficient lighting! April 22nd is Earth Day. I celebrate the week, not just the 22nd, and I’m going to tell you one of the best ways to save energy and reduce your electric bill. BUY LED lightbulbs….I know they’re not cheap. So I want to let you know about NHsaves.com.
“The mission of NHSaves is to advance the efficient use of energy, while caring for the environment and promoting economic development in New Hampshire.”
There’s a lot of information on the site like: “Go Ductless & Help Your Homeowners Save!”
This one on smart LED lighting.
If you would rather go to a brick and mortar, try a Batteries Plus store. They have locations in Nashua, Manchester, and Salem. When I checked out the Nashua one they let me buy bulbs that offered a rebate, AND they automatically discounted the rebate after I filled out the form for them to submit. Very convenient!
Not only that…they recycle batteries too.
-Just my thoughts.
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