Memorial Day Garden Club Sale Locations


Grampy Gardening

Grampy Gardening

I’ve always called myself a Yankee Gardener. I use what’s in my yard and create around it, from rough stacked stone walls, shade gardens through the woods, to sunny plant beds on granite outcroppings.  The use of newspaper and cardboard for weed control is just common sense.  Most of my seeds and plants are from friends, family, or garden clubs.  I have plants in my garden from my grandfather, and the first items that moved to my home in Pelham were my plants!  I divide and share, which is what an annual garden club is all about.

Many New Hampshire garden clubs had their yearly sale last weekend and I missed them!  I’ve been trying to find a few for Memorial Day weekend to attend and I thought I would share:



Saturday, May 24 

Pelham 9-11am by the Congregational Church

Bedford 9-11am Old Town Hall 10 Meetinghouse Rd

Peterborough 9-11am Peterborough Historical Society 19 Grove St

Bow 8am-12pm Bow Community Building


I will most definitely be at the Pelham one.  Hope to see you there!


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