Nashua Market Trends

So what’s going on in Nashua?  Let’s compare last years first quarter with this years.  New listings are up 17%, Solds are up 8%, and Pendings are up a whopping 20.5%.

What’s really interesting here is you can see on the graph that the new listings and pending listings are coming closer together, and just may intersect this year.  Why is this important?

Notice last years inventory grew at a larger rate than those going under contract…it caused an oversupply.  Listings are moderately increasing, while pendings are dramatically increasing.  The inventory is balancing out, and the graph is showing that!

Nashua Market Graphed


This is great, but we still have quite a few existing listings to work through. Right now Nashua is a hotbed of activity.  It a property is priced right, and in good condition, it will typically sell in 3-6 months. A balanced market will typically have 3-6 months worth of inventory on the market.

Looking for more information about Nashua?  Give me a call: 603-305-1922 or email:

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