My Very Own Portable WI-FI Hotspot!

My PalmPre Hot Spot saves the day! I went to a listing appointment in Mason, NH wanting to show my client some comparable listings she may be interested in. My client only has a dial-up connection. Being a tech goddess I took my laptop, my 19″ flat-screen monitor, and my PalmPre Plus cell phone. Mind you, deciding to bring all these things was a last minute thing, but easy enough to pack.

My mobile hotspot on the Pre is one of the BEST tools I have. I logged onto the hotspot and wa-la…WI-FI hotspot, for up to 5 computers, at my clients home. She enjoyed looking at all the listings….and on a large screen. Just imagine the possibilities with your own wi-fi hotspot and a laptop.

My initial purchase of the Palm Pre Plus was to use on my new iPad that should arrive April 3rd. Check out my blog on my decision to purchase the iPad at: AppraiserJenns Blog

I will be using these tools for both my work as a Realtor and Appraiser.

-Just my thoughts.

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