There are many types of condo’s and sometimes it can get confusing for a beginner. These terms are architectural styles, not legal descriptions. So here are a few of the most common styles in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
Garden – very similar to an apartment… typically one floor, smaller, and a bunch of units in 1 building, common hallways, etc. Least amount of privacy. They can look like apartments, what’s the difference: Condo vs Apartments
Townhouse –these are typically side by side, one or more stories with a common wall on one or 2 sides. Offers more privacy.
- Detached – these are individual units and look like a house. Offers the most privacy.
- Condex – this has it’s own blog post, they are specific to this New Hampshire and Massachusetts: Condex Basics
One thing remains the same with all of the above…the land is owned in common with all the unit owners in the condominium development.
-Just my thoughts.
Jennifer Cote
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